Tuesday, June 30, 2009

[Introduction to Philosophy]What should reason play in proving God's existence?

Reason is the process where the mind formulates suggestions to infer, generalize, or analyze concepts. This should only play a partial role to prove God’s existence because relying on reason alone causes flaws in seeking the truth. We must take into account that there are things we experience that seem to contradict any possible reasoning and if we use reason for explaining these paranormal things, we are basically making an inference though there is the possibility of producing flaws in the formation of a conclusion. To prove that God does or does not exist, we will need extensive evidence which is unfortunately, found in abundance in both sides of the argument. If we establish the idea of his existence through reason, we still cannot prove the ultimate truth; so therefore, reason shouldn’t play a vital role in deciding God’s existence. We must then state, that the concept of God must be up to a person’s own conviction and faith to decide if the “greatest conceivable being” actually exists. A person’s conditioning, experiences, and personal morals should be able to distinguish how much reason plays a role in proving his existence. For me, to reason God’s existence will not mean that it is for sure that he exists; it merely means that the speaker has now convinced the listener of his existence though it is yet to be proven. No matter how strong the reasoning is when proving his existence, we do not have the absolute evidence that there is really a God. I choose faith over reason, because using reason alone means choosing faulty assumptions that people have formulated over the years which have been revised multiple times which has resulted into the different variations. I believe that faith should be enough to fill the gap that God exists because it is the only option other than reason that has an explanation about God’s existence. I am only more inclined to choose faith over reason due to the fact that reason, over the years have changed its form and theories while faith, since it began has been consistent and it has endured several generations.

1. Reason is when we infer or generalize concepts to the most convincing form.
2. We have no absolute evidence that God does or doesn’t exist.
3. Reason is made by men and has changed over the years while faith has been consistent.
Conclusion: Reason is not a certain basis of proving that does or doesn’t God exist due to the fact that it shows that we are giving a faulty human assumption due to the lack of evidence. Reason has several variations that makes it a weak basis; while faith has been consistent and it has endured over the generations.

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