Tuesday, November 11, 2008

[Old Essay]Creative Writing

I am a 17 year-old Asian student. I lived in the Philippines for 15 years and I came to America last year, on the 26th of May. I have been speaking English since I could remember due to the fact that the medium of instruction in my country is English. Unfortunately, it has not been used very often which is the reason for poor fluency. I have 2 sisters and I am the youngest in our family. Both my mom and my eldest sister are nurses. My father used to be a businessman but he passed away due to an illness called "Liver Cirrhosis". My second sister is currently studying in the Philippines to get a nursing degree. After she graduates, she hopes to pursue a degree in surgery at Harvard
University. My family also includes a German shepherd dog name "Hitler" which I named
after the German Nazi leader.

One of my priorities right now is to obtain a good part-time job that will help me with my expenses in college. I am striving to go to a good college to get a diploma and make the best out of my life. Also, I am trying my best to be a responsible daughter for my family. I am doing that by obeying what my mother says and thinking how a young adult should think. I think that every student should always listen to what their parents say because they had experienced hardships that molded them to be mature individuals.

I am interested in rock music, video games, movies and history. I enjoy rock music since it is only the genre that makes me energized and hyper. I also see rock as an art form because of its cunning tunes and lyrics. Video Games make me challenge my mind and also entertains me at the same time. I have learned certain things from reality-based video games. Some of them are from mythology and there are also games that was based on the World Wars. I am interested in becoming a film director but I might not be able to pursue it due to the competition in that field. I really love history; it helps me learn about the things that happened in a certain place. I do not treat history as a subject but as a time when I can listen to interesting chronicles that will reward me with wisdom and knowledge.

In the Philippines, I have not achieved anything academically since I did not concentrate on my studies very well. Though, I did joined minor contests that involved PowerPoint presentations. I placed 1st in the district then went to the regional competition and won 2nd place. I was also an officer for the PSYSC (Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs) at my school—which holds a school camp annually. Here in Booker T, I have been admitted to the National Honors society with a 3.2 GPA. I am weak in certain subjects such as Chemistry, Physics and Art, but I am confident with myself in the field of Math, English, Language and History.

I am a Christian Baptist at birth because my parents converted from Catholic right after they were married. In the house, I am responsible for cooking and washing for my sister that works in the night. I sweep, mop the floors and occasionally vacuum the carpets. In the weekend, I am responsible for washing clothes. I had volunteered for certain groups back in my home town that made us do chores for them. I also helped in watching my grandmother's hardware store. My first job was at Bayside Marketplace in a fast-food chain. I quitted since my mother did not want to make me work at a place that was far from my house.

I'm proud of my grades, my family and my friends. I have proven that I can achieve something if I put my mind to it. I used to be the girl with bad grades who did not care about my future but when I strive hard for it, I had earned what I wanted. My family has been with me through every moment I did achieved something. Although my friends are now in college, I still get their support via email. I think all the world needs is knowledge and food. We need knowledge to earn college degrees and start a stable careers. If everyone finished school, it would be possible for us to end poverty and start obtaining cures for "incurable" diseases. New discoveries will also be made. We all know that everyone needs food to survive. If we had more resources for food the world would be a better place for those who can not afford even a single meal.

I have been influenced by certain preaches and books that encouraged me not to worry about certain things. They taught me how to organize, manage my time and gave me additional tips that I can use for my college life. Certain teachers gave me the realization that teaching needs a lot of patience towards students. They teach even if the students defy the teacher's commands and they tend to repeat the discussions that some people do not understand. I am in a youth group at my church, Southwest Alliance church, which make teens grow spiritually through after church fellowships.

I plan to go to a good medical school just like the University of Florida in Gainesville. I would make my schooling my top priority to finish properly with good grades. I will take up Pharmacology which requires me to go to school for six to seven years with a doctorate. After college, I will start working and make good investments for my life and for my future family. If I have the time and the money, I will study film and see if it is a good choice for me.

I am afraid of any negative influences that may harm my future. Examples of those are
drugs, destructive relationships, illnesses and peer pressure. I will make wise decisions that will not harm me. One person said, "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” and I believe this is true in most aspects of my life. I know that I need to make the right decisions because I am the one responsible for my actions.

I am comfortable with listening to music and in a cold room while writing since I will feel relaxed. My writing style includes my thoughts and ideas that I strongly believe in. I usually read the topic twice to process what comes into mind when I think about it. The most important choice for me right now is to get good grades since it’s the only known way to help me build my future. I hope to improve my grammar, handwriting and vocabulary as this year goes on. I know that I am not very articulate with my ideas and I wish to change that by immersing myself in learning.

I believe that I have the potential to become a professional. I know by
determination, discipline, perseverance and effort I can successfully fulfill what I want to do. I may have my flaws but I am mature enough to understand my responsibilities as a student and as a person. I wish to feed myself with knowledge that would help me in the future. For knowledge is the gateway to obtain a good life.

To sum up, I am a person that is happy with her life. I am able to enjoy simple pleasures. I do not make myself feel negative since it would just give me a negative outlook on things in life. I know my future is bright and I am determined to make it brighter. I may have hardships along the way, but I will make it a journey to remember. One of my favorite quote is "Success is a journey...not a destination." by Ben
Publish Post
Sweetland, an author of positive thinking books. I believe that you can not experience success without enjoying the process you took to arrive at your destination.

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