Tuesday, November 11, 2008

[Old Essay]Life after High School – My Goals, My Challenges

The word goal was coined from a word of the Middle English era that is defined as an obstacle or a barrier. Today, we use the word goal to define our plans and our dreams. People were created to have free-will and that includes the ability to choose freely depending on your rationality standards, beliefs and understanding. Because of this, we create different theories and laws that clarify our perspective with the open world. One principle in the study of human nature is the idea of the “Tabula Rasa”. This is also the Latin term for the word, “clean paper” this teaching says that we were born with no content at all and we build our knowledge and principles through the events we experience in the external world. I truly believe that our free-will and our Tabula Rasa are the reasons why we have different goals and beliefs. In this essay, I will reveal my plans and goals that I plan to execute in the future.

I was raised in the Philippines with a Filipino mother and a Chinese father that have different points of views of the future. Also, because of the environment I’m in, I am also influenced by my surroundings regarding certain matters. One example of these matters is education. For Filipinos, it is better to finish college first and then start establishing businesses after getting a degree. However, in the Chinese perspective; it is preferred to establish businesses and not finish school. Also, Americans seem to think its better to have a business while earning a degree or going to school. Topics like this have often mislead my thinking and I am left to think hard and pray about what I choose to do. This has also strengthened my judgment and as well as my critical thinking that has enabled me to think like an adult and it has helped me be more mature for my age. I have now arrived at a point where I am able to judge what is right or wrong in terms of money, social situations, and education-wise decisions.

As an eleventh grade high school student, I am aware that this is the year to start planning for my college life that I will have in the next two years. I plan to go to college at the University of Florida and earn a doctorate degree in Pharmacology. I have chosen this profession because I believe that my fondness of Chemistry will be a benefit to help establish my goal. Before graduating, I will spend a year in China and I will learn the language and culture that my ancestors had. After graduation, I will then work at two jobs that will let me earn money that I can use for future investments. I will then find a husband that fits my standards and establish a family that is untied and has a fear for God. After I have established my stewardship for my family, I will then travel the world during my retirement.

I know that all I have mentioned above will not turn out all perfect. There would be things that will be added and things that would be omitted. I believe that God would reveal his plan to me slowly and prepare me for the missions he wants me to do. My parents have raised me to become deeply rooted in the word of God and I believe that without Him, I will establish nothing and I am nothing. I will have obstacles that will hinder me from reaching my goals but I know that God is with me to guide me what to do in those situations. The human willpower is very strong that it gives tremendous effort to reach a certain goal. With the help of the Ethereal Lord, I believe that we can achieve a multitude of goals with faith.

In conclusion, I see nothing wrong with having big dreams and hard to reach goals. I strongly stand by the principle that through Christ, I could reach them with ease and happiness in my heart. As one anonymous writer once said, “Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny” I know that there will be goals that I am not supposed to achieve but by then, I will then understand His purpose of creating me.

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